
Content here represents the voice of SIGNATURE SUNSETS, an informational initiative designed to broaden and brighten horizons in the funerary domain.

The material is an outgrowth of a pre-planning reference book, Pondering Leaves: Composing and Conveying Your Life Story's Epilogue, written by the author of this blog.


Pondering Leaves Book

A commonly concealed subject is exhumed from the depths of denial and infused with humanistic humor. Reluctant mortals who step tentatively into this domain emerge refreshingly informed, prepared, and triumphant.

Here is a book for people who would like to have a good time while exploring foreign territory and engaging in a preparatory task that might otherwise seem daunting or difficult at first glance.

      Currently, not available


...A comprehensive overview of funerary products, services, and commemorative elements with an option to read the text in its entirety or leapfrog to particular segments for referencing specific topics

An inclusive exploration of every relevant component for initiation or revision of final arrangements... embedded with some surprising current trends

A whimsical perspective for pleasurable end-of-life event pre-planning... a recreational retreat within the context of useful information

An unusual style, with mirthful frog illustrations and diversionary vignettes to help the reader loosen up... content is interspersed with distraction segments that include playful asides, rhyming quips, word games, and double meanings promoting lighthearted fun

A celebration of one's uniqueness through opportunities to identify customized details as a basis for decisions... with encouragement for conveying wishes to the people who matter most


This book is different. It is a BIG and BOUNTIFUL reference guide in two volumes (380 & 410 pp.) for anyone with the wisdom and loving kindness to make after-death decisions while fully alive. 

Instead of a cursory overview of some aspects of funerary management, it provides details pertaining to every element a pre-planner might want to consider

Symbolic representations are key components, prompting an exploration of defining characteristics as determinants of personal preferences and potential arrangements best suited to oneself. 

It is designed with reverence for the painful reality of inevitable death while offering an upbeat event planning perspective

Family needs are addressed in conjunction with the sense of satisfaction that can be derived from planning ahead and having a say in the matter. 

Novel ideas and modern innovations enlivening the funeral industry pervade the text, which also encompasses detailed descriptions of conventional approaches and familiar products. 

Utilitarian content is interspersed periodically with whimsical vignettes for spirit refreshment and promotion of comfort.  Such asides either exemplify main points or simply dot the domain with streaks of colorful invigoration. 

Other playful inserts serve the same purpose, with the presence of frog illustrations to remind readers that this resource is about "croaking." That is, learning about end-of-life options can be the basis for communication and an opportunity to make one's voice heard before it is too late. 

A planner will be endowed with a chance to bestow upon family members the ultimate gift of guidance

Upon reaching the end (of the book), a reader is apt to celebrate both the singularity and the significance of one's own life story.  



1 comment:

  1. Sounds very interesting and would like to read it, and keep it as a reference book for my Ash Work memorial art service. Very compelling information about the funeral industry described in a light hearted way. Croaking is just part of life!
